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स्वामी विवेकानन्द जैविक कृषि अनुसंधान केंद्र मानपुरा


स्वामी विवेकानंद जैविक कृषि अनुसंधान केंद्र मानपुरा लगभग 300 से ज्यादा जैविक कृषि करने वाले किसानों का समूह है, जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व पद्मश्री श्री हुकुमचंद पाटीदार करते है | 
ग्राम मानपुरा, तहसील असनावर, जिला झालावाड़ राजस्थान में स्थित यह जैविक विकास केंद्र लगातार अपने शोध और प्रशिक्षण द्वारा कृषकों के सर्वांगीण विकास में उन्नत कृषि तकनीकी के साथ योगदान कर रहा है |

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Our Story

In 2005, we started experiments with organic farming. Despite opposition from the village and friends, who feared losses, we began organic farming on a small patch of land from our 25-hectare farm.

The motivation to shift to organic farming came from the realization that conventional farming was proving dangerous and its harmful effects were visible on the health of people and the environment. 


“With conventional agriculture that uses chemicals, We realized that land productivity was falling, the soil was being harmed and crops were becoming poisonous.”


The acceptable level of soil organic carbon is 1-1.5 percent but in many parts of India, the level has fallen to 0.3-0.4 percent. Soil organic carbon is the carbon component of organic compounds, which improves oxygen in the soil besides improving water drainage and retention, reducing the risk of nutrient leaching.


We realized that due to chemicals, not only were people and animals being harmed, the environment was adversely impacted too and the water level was falling. “With so many ill-effects, I was determined to go ahead despite opposition,” says the silver-haired farmer.

For the first three-four years, after Patidar began organic farming, production dipped by 10 to 20 percent and he faced reproach and questioning. “The soil health had to be restored and it had to be rid of the poisonous chemicals. The organic matter and micro-organisms that live below the soil and keep it healthy had been destroyed due to chemicals.”

Today, our production is more than what we cultivated through conventional farming, earning between Rs 40 to 50 lakhs per year from the sale and export of his organic products.

“We get 32 to 36 quintal per hectare of chana (gram) crop. The government estimates chana crop output at 30 quintals per hectare,”

Similarly, our wheat crop is between 38 and 42 quintals per hectare as against 28-32 quintals per hectare from conventional farming.

“We have to give three watering for wheat while conventional farming requires watering five to six times. Since there is no use of chemicals, the soil is soft and water can seep deep into it, keeping it moist. With chemicals, a layer forms on the surface and the water slides off the surface,” 

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